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Cat breeders, cat catteries Sharmila. Selkirk Rex, Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight. Russia, Rostov-na-Donu

Sharmila. Selkirk Rex, Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight

Cat breeders, cat catteries Sharmila. Selkirk Rex, Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight. Russia, Rostov-na-Donu

Sharmila is a professional cattery, registrated in the WCF and FARUS systems. We breed the selkirk rex curly cats and scottish fold cats longhair and shorthair,as well as selkirk straight and scottish straight. Our cats live with us, we don't use cages. Our cats are the members of our family, each has own personality and own character) We practice selling the kittenst to the other countries. We can ship worldwide. Only best and the most interesting kittens we can offer you for breeding. Our cats are healty, we make the genetical tests and check their health in the veterinaty clinics.
Russia, Rostov-na-Donu
feel free to e-mail me or find me on the facebook, My name is Mila Smetanina
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