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Cat breeders, cat catteries «AVOKADO PARADISE». Maine Coon. Russia, Pskov


Cat breeders, cat catteries «AVOKADO PARADISE». Maine Coon. Russia, Pskov

«AVOKADO PARADISE», DANE Cattery Maine Coon, Russian Federation, Pskov.
Kennel Owner: Uskova Tatiana
In our nursery, you can:
* Choose and buy a kitten Maine - Coon;
* Apply for a kitten certain color;
Get full consultation on:
* Content, feeding, breeding, preparation for the exhibition of cats of this breed.
«AVOKADO PARADISE» - DANE kennel, registered in the WCF (World Cat Federation), Germany, in 2015, the certificate № 8053-2015, KLK "Pleskava" works according to the rules and principles of the European system of feline.
Great breed type our manufacturers well-known European and American breeding lines is confirmed by excellent expert assessments at international and world exhibitions of cats, numerous victories and titles on the rings. The main objectives, which we pursue - is elimination of quality, healthy and strong offspring, improving type. In our breeding cattery focuses not only on the breed and size of the data, but also the temperament of a complete lack of aggression of cats, as well as the health of our cats, proper care and maintenance. We care about the health of our animals. They eat right, timely vaccinated and tested for genetic diseases.
Russia, Pskov
Kennel Website: http://avokado-paradise.ru Email: tatyuskova@mail.ru Tel. : +7 911 8900 200, 8 (8112) 53 41 15
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